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Expense claims

How to create an expense when you didn't pay with your Expend card or a connected card

Updated over 7 months ago

You can create and submit claims for expenses that you paid for with your own funds or means other than your Expend card. If the items that you paid for in the transaction belong to different categories or projects, you can create separate lines for these.

Creating an expense claim in the web app

  1. Click + New Expense at the top of the page and select Create an Expense.

  2. For the Payment Method, select Own Funds or one of your personal payment methods.

From this point, you have two options:

Option 1: Let Expend extract the details for you

Recommended, as it will save you time once you get to know the process.

  1. Upload a copy of the receipt: click the upload area on the right and select the files (or simply drag and drop files here). You can also select a document you've uploaded separately.

    • Expend will automatically get the Supplier, Date and Currency from the receipt. You can also fill this in yourself under Details.

    • You can add further attachments in the same way, but only the first one is used to get transaction details.

  2. To get detailed line items from the receipt, click Extract.

  3. Check the details on the Document Scanner page that opens.

    • If things don't look the way you expect, check the Total amount and Tax amount at the top, make corrections if necessary, and click Re-calculate.

  4. To add the line items extracted by Document Scanner to your expense, click Update line items.

    • You can undo this by clicking Undo extract afterwards. Note: If you make any changes to your line items, you can no longer undo.

  5. For each line item, select the Category and Tax rate, and optionally provide additional details such as tracking information and a note.

  6. Click Save to your expense as a draft, or click Submit if your expense is ready to be reviewed. Submitted expenses are removed from your Inbox.

Option 2: Enter the expense details manually

  1. Under Details, fill in the Supplier and select the Date and Currency.

  2. Provide the expense item’s details: enter the Amount, select the Category and Tax rate, and optionally provide additional details such as tracking information and a note.

  3. Optional: To add more items, click Add Split. To remove items, click the 🅧 button.

  4. To add attachments such as a copy of the receipt, click the upload area on the right and select the files (or simply drag and drop files here). You can add as many attachments as necessary.

    • Note: You can still switch to Option 1 and extract expense details automatically from the first attachment.

  5. Click Save to your expense as a draft, or click Submit if your expense is ready to be reviewed. Submitted expenses are removed from your Inbox.

More options on the expense form

  • Note the Table view and Tracking groups buttons.

    • Table view displays all line items in (you guessed it!) a table, which may be easier to read, especially if you have many line items.

    • Tracking groups shows all available tracking groups, and you can hide those you don't need by clearing the checkbox.

  • In the Documents area:

    • Click Detach to remove a document from the expense but keep the document for possible later use.

    • Click Delete to permanently delete the document.

Creating an expense claim in the Expend mobile app

When creating an expense claim in the Expend mobile app, you can let Expend extract the details from a receipt or invoice, or you can enter all the details yourself.

Option 1: Let Expend extract the details for you

Expend can extract the expense details from a document you scan or upload. Keep in mind that you can still make changes to the expense that is created.

  1. Tap Expenses, tap the button, and select Receipt or Invoice.

  2. Take a picture of the document (your receipt or invoice). You can also upload a photo from your device by tapping the button on the bottom left.

  3. If you are satisfied with the image, tap Use Image. If necessary, you can use the Retake, Crop, or Rotate tools to adjust your image.

  4. Tap Create new. (Note: You will be presented with existing transactions from your Expend cards or connected cards, but these aren't relevant for an expense claim.)

  5. Select your payment method (Own Funds or one of your personal payment methods), select an expense category, and then click Next.

  6. Confirm that the total amount and total tax matches what is shown on the document; if not, you can edit the amounts. You can also opt to itemise the document (see below for more details). If everything looks correct, tap Next.

  7. On the draft expense claim or invoice that is created, check the details and make any changes that are necessary (see Option 2, below, for more details).

  8. To finish, tap the Save button and select Save (to save as a draft) or Submit (to submit the expense for review).

Itemise document: By default, we create an expense with a single item, based on the total shown on the document. If your document has multiple items and you want the expense to have a separate line item for each, select the “Itemise document” checkbox in step 6.

Option 2: Enter the expense details manually

  1. Tap Expenses, tap the button, and select Receipt or Invoice.

  2. On the next screen, tap the Skip button on the bottom right.

  3. Select your payment method.

  4. Enter the Supplier name and select the transaction Date. You can change the Currency by tapping the currency code next to Line Items.

  5. Add your line items:

    • Under Line Items, tap the default, empty line item.

    • Enter the Amount and Category. This will automatically set the Tax Type, but you can change this if necessary.

    • Optional: Enter a note in the Description field. Tap any tracking groups shown below this field to add additional tracking information such as Client, Job Number, and so forth.

    • Tap Save item. (If you don't see this button, tap any empty area on the screen.)

  6. To add another line item, tap Add Split. To remove a line item, select the line and tap Delete item.

  7. To finish, tap the Save button and select Save (to save as a draft) or Submit (to submit the expense for review).

More options

  • To add more attachments, tap the ··· button in the top right corner and select Add Document.

  • You can delete a document by clicking the trash icon in the top right corner of the image.

Submitting an expense claim for review

If you chose Save when creating your expense claim, this only created a draft expense, and you still need to submit your claim for review.

After submitting the expense, you can still make changes until it has been reviewed. However, you can no longer delete the expense unless you withdraw it from review.

In the web app

  • In the sidebar menu, click Expenses, find and open the expense claim, make the necessary changes, and click Save.

  • If your expense claim has not yet been submitted for review, you will also be able to find it in your Inbox.

In the mobile app

  • On the Inbox screen, find and open the expense claim, tap the Save button, and select Submit.

Updating an expense claim

You can make changes to a claim until it has been approved or rejected.

In the web app

  • In the sidebar menu, click Expenses, find and open the expense, make the necessary changes, and click Save.

  • If your expense has not yet been submitted for review, you will also be able to find it in your Inbox.

In the mobile app

  • On the Inbox screen, find and open the expense, make the necessary changes, and then tap Save.

Deleting an expense claim

You can delete a claim if it hasn’t been submitted for review.

In the web app

  • In the sidebar menu, click Expenses, find and open the expense.

    • If the expense has been submitted for review: Click Withdraw from Review, and then click Delete.

    • If the expense is still a draft, simply click Delete.

  • If your expense has not yet been submitted for review, you will also be able to find it in your Inbox.

In the mobile app

  • On the Inbox screen, find the expense, and then swipe from right to left on the expense and tap the red trash button.

  • If the expense has already been submitted, it must be withdrawn from review first:

    • Tap Submitted at the top of the screen, find and open the expense, and then. tap the ··· button in the top right corner and select Withdraw from Review.

    • Tap Open at the top of the screen, find the expense, and then swipe from right to left on it and tap the red trash button.

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